George Chen aka HKC ~ Follower Highlight!

Check out HKC's blog dedicated to the heart and soul of Anime/Manga. This Manga villain lives and reads anime everyday; and all day. The latest anime updates and upcoming anime shows and products are available at your finger tips. Show some asian love and follow and comment!

Check it out! Follow me on Twitter @KwangSuh

KwangSuh just recently registered for his Twitter account @KwangSuh - Rising fame requires rising Tweets!

Thanks for your support! Continue browsing ~ FIGHTING!

New site layout, new Blog. Follow me and send support along my journey. Leave a comment on what you think of the site or ask any questions you may have!

Saturday 3 March 2012

I'm Back! And Follower Highlight of the Month ~ HKC!

    Well, it's been a while since I've been gone.. but I'm back!! And I come with URGENT news! I've been recently 'critiqued' by one of my followers (who will remain unnamed). He/she pointed out some vital flaws in my grammar and speech - adding that my vocabulary and writing style was that of a grade 2 greek kid - which I only considered acceptable because I admitted to never once proofreading. I was only writing whatever my mind was saying at the time. But having my brain spazz out a post has been decided as, unappealing, to you followers. Thus, I have been going over several past posts and proofreading and editing to make the best available for my kids.

    Also, I'd like to add that I will currently be making some updates with my website, so stay tuned to check them out! And finally brings me to my main point of this post! I want to highlight one of my followers; a follower who has been following me since day one; and hopefully continues to follow me in life. George Chen aka. HKC, is a brilliant blogger who writes to fill the hearts of his people, thinks to solve the problems of his people, and creates a home for his people at his blog. He is currently blogging about "Internet Scams" and "Anime/Manga". Make sure to check out his Internet Scam blog at to gain insight on personal scammed events to help prevent yourself from the same situations. The internet is not only a scary place for young children, but also a society of crooks who work to find those loopholes, and tricks that milk you for what your worth and more! So stand up, and say "No, I will milk my self!" and read his blog to give yourself the opportunity George never had, and protect yourself online! Or if you're just a simple Asian fella, make sure to check out his Anime/Manga blog (you must be into Manga/Anime if you're asian..) at HKC's blog has the latest and uprising Manga hits that shouldn't be overlooked and also talks about your favorite anime/manga shows!

    Additionally as a side note, I want to thank all those people out there who had clicked an advertisement on my page. For those of you who don't know, a few of your clicks have built up a large sum of payment! I currently have 6 clicked ads totalling approximately 5 dollars! It's just amazing what a few followers can do, and hopefully more and more people will continue the trend and let's see what ridiculous heights we can reach.Thanks for your time and continue following and reading! And if you haven't followed, then follow! If you have followed then comment! If you have comment, then click an AD!! PEAAACE!

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Learning the way of the HTML -- New Blog Layout!

   Welcome to my new blog interface! I recently joined the Blog community 4 days ago and I, myself am impressed by the progress so far. Over 200 page views is great, however I must give credit to the new site layout designed at . A tip for those new bloggers (including me!) is to invest some time in custom templates. They are a great way to improve your blog and also add that level of sophistication and distinction from the veterans and newbies of Blogging! (Even though I am still a newbie at heart!) But just because you are handed a custom template, doesn't mean you aren't accomplishing anything as a blogger!

    HTML customization for your new layout in my opinion is like a drug! Addicting and time consuming; and also brings a new challenge to blogging. Learning html codes and customizing your page never felt better, and brings a feeling of satisfaction and completion to our hungry desires for more viewers! Even with the new layout installed, I am far from completion of customization and plan on improving further to reach out and grab each of you by the collar. Woo!!
   So for the Bloggers out there who have been using simple layouts all this time, and wish to try something new; I recommend checking out HTML customization. It's easy to learn and pick up from your friendly Google! Keep exploring new options and challenges, and hopefully you'll reach 200 page views like I just did! YEAH!

and for those of you who have a hard time understanding English:

"slideExpr,this):$cont.children();var els=$slides.get();if(els.length<2){log("terminating; too few slides: "+els.length);return;}var opts2=buildOptions($cont,$slides,els,opts,o);if(opts2===false){return;}var startTime=opts2.continuous?10:getTimeout(els[opts2.currSlide],els[opts2.nextSlide],opts2,!opts2.rev);if(startTime){startTime+=(opts2.delay||0);if(startTime<10){startTime=10;}debug("first timeout: "+startTime);this.cycleTimeout=setTimeout(function(){go(els,opts2,0,(!opts2.rev&&!opts.backwards));},startTime);}});};function handleArguments(cont,options,arg2){if(cont.cycleStop==undefined){cont.cycleStop=0;}if(options===undefined||options===null){options={};}if(options.constructor==String){switch(options){case"destroy":case"stop":var opts=$(cont).data("cycle.opts");if(!opts){return false;}cont.cycleStop++;if(cont.cycleTimeout){clearTimeout(cont.cycleTimeout);}cont.cycleTimeout=0;$(cont).removeData("cycle.opts");if(options=="destroy"){destroy(opts);}return false;case"toggle":cont.cyclePause=(cont.cyclePause===1)?0:1;checkInstantResume(cont.cyclePause,arg2,cont);return false;case"pause":cont.cyclePause=1;return false;case"resume":cont.cyclePause=0;checkInstantResume(false,arg2,cont);return false;case"prev":case"next":var opts=$(cont).data("cycle.opts");if(!opts){log('options not found, "prev/next" ignored');return false;}$.fn.cycle[options](opts);return false;default:options={fx:options};}return options;}else{if(options.constructor==Number){var num=options;options=$(cont).data("cycle.opts");if(!options){log("options not found, can not advance slide");return false;}if(num<0||num>=options.elements.length){log("invalid slide index: "+num);return false;}options.nextSlide=num;if(cont.cycleTimeout){clearTimeout(cont.cycleTimeout);cont.cycleTimeout=0;}if(typeof arg2=="string"){options.oneTimeFx=arg2;}go(options.elements,options,1,num>=options.currSlide);return false;}}return options;function checkInstantResume(isPaused,arg2,cont){if(!isPaused&&arg2===true){var options=$(cont).data("cycle.opts");if(!options){log("options not found, can not resume");return false;}if(cont.cycleTimeout){clearTimeout(cont.cycleTimeout);cont.cycleTimeout=0;}go(options.elements,options,1,(!opts.rev&&!opts.backwards));}}}function removeFilter(el,opts){if(!$.support.opacity&&opts.cleartype"

  That's HTML for "Thanks for your reading time, and just follow and support me in anyway possible! Leave a comment of your concerns below!"

Tuesday 28 February 2012

100 Page Views!!

     Who would expect that within 3 days of creating this blog I would hit 100 Page views! With the page views accumulating, I expect to see more involvement from the community! Don't be afraid; spread this blog, and let us continue our progress!

     And to you cynics out there, don't take this blog the wrong way. It's not one of those desperate attempts for munny; but more of a self-internet wide cultivation project (heheh)! This blog shouldn't be taken so seriously for those matters, but more as an entertainment source.

    As we watch YouTube stars such as KevJumba and NigaHiga, we all wonder where they started from and what kind of antiques they pulled to gain attraction. They all started from somewhere and this blog for experimental purposes to let viewers gain insight on one boy's project to gain the same progression and attraction of popularity. Who is this kid right now? Who cares, no one cares, but as he builds his profile as an expanding artist we will all soon recognize the efforts and plans conducted. Popularity from views and hits, and eventually some profit is what we all want, and is why all of us continue the use of advertisements from Google Adsense, or Ads on Youtube channels. Everyone utilizes ads and there shouldn't be any shame or disgrace about being open to it! As direct as this blog gets, it's entirely dedicated towards entertainment purposes and to share as a community (hopefully one day I can get as big as these Youtube stars!). And hopefully have people ask and look back one day: "where this kid came from?" whilst being directed to reading these silly blogs and these base starting points.

    We all got to start from somewhere, and it's the journey that is excited and worth following, so why not follow from the start? Thank you for your views, and continue reading! Don't forget to follow along on the side, don't be scared! Just click follow! :D
They said we couldn't do it.... But we did it.

Monday 27 February 2012

Google AdSense

    Just got Google Adsense up and working. So let my page flourish with ads!! Now the question arises: "What's the harm in clicking ads?" - Nothing! The majority of us have it integrated into our systems that Ads = bad, mainly because they prevent us from enjoying our favourite shows (and just testing our damn patience!). But let's look on the brighter side of advertisements; where would our washroom breaks be without commercials? Where would our snack breaks be? Our facebook/Twitter update intervals be?? GONE! We musn't treat all ads the same and must look on the brighter side of them, especially GoogleAdsense. All of us rely on Google with our many quests for answers, recipes, articles, or just finding the most randomest, mostly asked questions (ie. KevJumba is a homosexual bear wrestler).

    Now, Google Ads have been with Google since the beginning of time, and we just never paid any attention to them! These aren't the kind of ads which bring malware or viruses, or pop-up instantly while you're trying to read something. These are GoogleAdsense Ads which give you, the viewer the opportunity to click on them at will! We must look on the greater side of benefits when dealing with Google Ads, especially on Blogs. We are a community of thinkers, innovators, and just regular people. There is no harm in manually clicking ads on other people's pages, so show some support and let's milk Google for all it's Adsense pennies!

   Just send your support and click one, then just close the ad, it's that simple; but too overlooked. Don't just read this, or skim around my page and leave! Interact! Follow me, Friend me, chat me, click ads for me! and much more!!

   Feel free to leave any comments or regards or questions or anything you'd like to see in the near future from me. Don't be one of those stalkers who just skim for pictures and what not! Come to my blog and interact! I'm willing to do the same for you and also check out your blogs; just friend me and I'll get back to you asap! ENJOY ADS! and spread the love to one another, we all have some common sense, but let's incorporate some ADSENSE!

Sunday 26 February 2012

The YouTube Part 2.0

     Alright, since I've got the Tweeter, now I had to get the YouTube to let meTube. Pretty empty profile, but a start is a start, search me up: munnyspot as my username. I also uploaded a test video of something I stumbled across today, I expect at least 42 views from those who visited my page!!! - Subscribe to me and show me your support!

Alright, keep this blog short, maybe I'll add to it later. Got much to do and must build up my profile. PEACE

Getting Fancy

So with an introduction to Twitter, follow me @KwangSuh!
Just recently incorporated the new widget for Twitter on my Blog, just follow along on the right hand side people.
Just recently made a Twitter account and already have 2, yes TWO followers (despite them being porn spam followers) followers are still followers, and I respect my followers! Don't be shy since you're one of the first to follow... it'll be the first of many more to come. Follow me for fun and hear my witty remarks and funny updates. Follow, Retweet, and check out my sweet Munny pokeball-inspired on my Twitter photo! Haha

taken from


Saturday 25 February 2012

The Set-Up (Starts with YOU - Follow!)

    Gotta Start Some Where. The goals for me are rather simple, so lets make this happen:
1. YouTube Hit channel - making hit videos and bringing laughter about
2. My bloG. Must make this a hit and milk googlesenseADS for some moola.
3. Set up a lemonade stand in the Summer for some quick change

This won't be possible without you guys, my fellow viewers. Help a chum out and follow me on Twitter @KwangSuh and subscribe to my Blog. I know I just started out so I don't expect much; and I definitely didn't expect........ 12 PAGE VIEWS in one daY!!! I want to thank all you viewers who stumbled across my page by chance and gave a quick glance to what I had. Even though it might not be much, I hope you continue to watch this young man on a long windy journey to his first check of a couple of pennies.
    We all have to start somewhere in our little hobbies, and this how I'm doing it. Let's see how things roll, and just subcribe to me for a couple laughs here and there and drop by and read me again! Thanks!
Apologize for my crappy check made in "Paint" :P 


Thank goodness we have internet.. For those who don't have cable, this one's for you!!

Enjoy the world of technology we live in today!!

Intro 1.0 - The Beginning

        Times are getting hard, for us young children. We all need ways to get rich, and I am here to journey these paths. Shout out to George Chen aka. HKC for his attempts to blog so well that he gets Google Ads. Good luck to my brotha!!!
       Anyway, this is my first time blogging, but I hope I recruit millions of people and make lots of munny like Keb Jumbo or Nigga Higa. Of course, YouTube is the place to start, and we all know that. That is why I am soon banding together my trustful 3 friends and making a YouTube channel that we planned several months ago, but just haven't had the initiative to start. We will make it big, and we need you, YOU TO WATCH US DO IT!!!! YHEAAAHHH!! :')